Triangular padlock system, for APM-0 50x30x30mm
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Triangular manual lock 50x30x20mm
Small size ventilation device 28x25x20mm
750mm high plinth for ART-55, ART-75 & ART-105 750x500x300mm
Modular chassis for BRES-325 300x250x80mm
Polyester mounting plate CA-1515 135x130x4mm
750mm high plinth for ART-75, ART-77 & ART-107 750x750x300mm
Modular chassis for BRES-43 400x300x80mm
Polyester mounting plate CA-215 135x180x4mm
1000mm high plinth for ART-55, ART-75 & ART-105 1000x500x300mm
Modular chassis for BRES-44 400x400x80mm
Polyester mounting plate CA-220 180x180x4mm
1000mm high plinth for ART-57, ART-77 & ART-107 1000x750x300mm
Modular chassis for BRES-54 500x400x80mm
Polyester mounting plate CA-315 130x270x4mm
Metalic mounting plate for ART-105 1000x500x2mm
Modular chassis for BRES-64 600x400x80mm
Polyester mounting plate CA-32 270x180x4mm
Metalic mounting plate for ART-107 1000x750x2mm
Modular chassis for BRES-65 600x500x80mm
Polyester mounting plate CA-33 270x180x4mm
Metalic mounting plate for ART-55 500x500x2mm
Modular chassis for BRES-83 800x300x80mm
Polyester mounting plate CA-42 360x180x4mm
Metalic mounting plate for ART-57 500x750x2mm
Modular chassis for BRES-86 800x600x80mm
Polyester mounting plate CA-43 360x270x4mm
Metalic mounting plate for ART-75 750x500x2mm
Polyester mounting plate CA-44 360x360x4mm
Metalic mounting plate for ART-77 750x750x2mm
Polyester mounting plate CA-63 540x270x4mm
Polyester mounting plate for ART-105 1000x500x4mm
500mm high plinth for BRES-44 500x365x170mm
Polyester mounting plate CA-64 540x360x4mm
Polyester mounting plate for ART-107 1000x750x4mm
500mm high plinth for BRES-54 500x365x170mm
Polyester mounting plate CA-66 540x540x4mm
Polyester mounting plate for ART-55 500x500x4mm
500mm high plinth for BRES-64 500x365x200mm
Polyester mounting plate CA-84 720x360x4mm
Polyester mounting plate for ART-57 500x750x4mm
500mm high plinth for BRES-65 500x465x200mm
Polyester mounting plate CA-86 720x540x4mm
Polyester mounting plate for ART-75 750x500x4mm
500mm high plinth for BRES-86 500x500x300mm
Lateral blind plate with screws, ref. 2 133x105x13mm
Polyester mounting plate for ART-77 750x750x4mm
750mm high plinth for BRES-44 750x365x170mm
Lateral blind plate with screws ref. 3 223x105x13mm
Metalic wall Fixing brackets (4 units), for ART cabinet 50x30x20mm
750mm high plinth for BRES-54 750x365x170mm
Lateral blind plate with screws ref. 4 313x105x13mm
750mm high plinth for BRES-64 750x365x200mm
750mm high plinth for BRES-65 750x465x200mm
Screw for CA-1515-215-220-315 30x12x12mm
750mm high plinth for BRES-86 750x500x300mm
Thumbscrew for CA-32 to CA-86 50x16x16mm
1000mm high plinth for BRES-44 1000x365x170mm
Opaque polycarbonate cover for CA-1515 135x135x15mm
1000mm high plinth for BRES-54 1000x365x170mm
Opaque polycarbonate cover for CA-215 135x180x15mm
1000mm high plinth for BRES-64 1000x365x200mm
Opaque polycarbonate cover for CA-220 180x180x15mm
1000mm high plinth for BRES-65 1000x465x200mm
Opaque polycarbonate cover for CA-315 135x270x15mm
1000mm high plinth for BRES-86 1000x500x300mm
Opaque polycarbonate cover for CA-32 270x180x40mm
Doble bar lock for BRES cabinet 50x40x20mm
Opaque polycarbonate cover for CA-33 270x270x40mm
Wall Fixing brackets (4 units) 67x28x25mm
Opaque polycarbonate cover for CA-42 360x180x40mm
Pole Fixing brackets (4 units) 75x37x20mm
Opaque polycarbonate cover for CA-43a 360x270x75mm
Metalic mounting plate BRES-325 300x250x2mm
Opaque polycarbonate cover for CA-43 360x270x40mm
Metalic mounting plate BRES-43 400x300x2mm
Opaque polycarbonate cover for CA-44a 360x360x75mm
Metalic mounting plate BRES-44 400x400x2mm
Opaque polycarbonate cover for CA-44 360x360x40mm
Metalic mounting plate BRES-54 500x400x2mm
Opaque polycarbonate cover for CA-63a 540x270x75mm
Metalic mounting plate BRES-64 600x400x2mm
Opaque polycarbonate cover for CA-63 540x270x40mm
Metalic mounting plate BRES-65 600x500x2mm
Opaque polycarbonate cover for CA-64a 540x360x75mm
Metalic mounting plate BRES-83 800x300x2mm
Opaque polycarbonate cover for CA-64 540x360x40mm
Metalic mounting plate BRES-86 800x600x2mm
Opaque polycarbonate cover for CA-66a 540x540x75mm
Polyester mounting plate BRES-325 300x250x4mm
Opaque polycarbonate cover for CA-66 540x540x40mm
Polyester mounting plate BRES-43 400x300x4mm
Opaque polycarbonate cover for CA-84a 720x360x75mm
Polyester mounting plate BRES-44 400x400x4mm
Opaque polycarbonate cover for CA-86a 720x540x75mm
Polyester mounting plate BRES-54 500x400x4mm
Inspection window with lid for 10 breakers 200x77x16mm
Polyester mounting plate BRES-64 600x400x4mm
Inspection window high lid for 10 breakers 200x77x25mm
Polyester mounting plate BRES-65 600x500x4mm
Inspection window with lid for 12 breakers 233x77x16mm
Polyester mounting plate BRES-83 800x300x4mm
Inspection window high lid for 12 breakers 233x77x25mm
Polyester mounting plate BRES-86 800x600x4mm
Inspection window with lid for 16 breakers 165x195x13mm
Polyester internal door BRES-43 400x300x50mm
Inspection window with lid for 20 breakers 205x158x15mm
Polyester internal door BRES-44 400x400x50mm
Inspection window with lid for 24 breakers 233x196x13mm
Polyester internal door BRES-54 500x400x50mm
Inspection window with lid for 4 breakers 94x77x16mm
Polyester internal door BRES-64 600x400x50mm
Inspection window high lid for 4 breakers 94x77x25mm
Polyester internal door BRES-65 600x500x50mm
Inspection window with lid for 6 breakers 130x77x16mm
Polyester internal door BRES-83 800x300x50mm
Inspection window high lid for 6 breakers 130x77x25mm
Polyester internal door BRES-86 800x600x50mm
Inspection window with lid for 8 breakers 163x77x16mm
Bres Cabinet door retainer 60x10x10mm
Inspection window high lid for 8 breakers 163x77x25mm
18 mm cover for non-usable breakers 40x20x10mm
Trasparent polycarbonate cover for CA-1515 135x135x15mm
Vertical connection flange for BRES-325 & BRES-43 230x100x20mm
Trasparent polycarbonate cover for CA-215 135x180x15mm
Accesorio de BRES
ua-350x150 Vertical connection flange for Bres-44, BRES-54, BRES-64, BRES-65, BRES-83 &...
Vertical connection flange for Bres-44, BRES-54, BRES-64, BRES-65, BRES-83 & BRES-86 350x150x20mm
Trasparent polycarbonate cover for CA-220 180x180x15mm
Horizontal-Vertical connection flange 350x150x30mm
Trasparent polycarbonate cover for CA-315 135x270x15mm
Trasparent polycarbonate cover for CA-32 270x180x40mm
Trasparent polycarbonate cover for CA-33 270x270x40mm
Trasparent polycarbonate cover for CA-42 360x180x40mm
Trasparent polycarbonate cover for CA-43a 360x270x75mm
Trasparent polycarbonate cover for CA-43 360x270x40mm
Trasparent polycarbonate cover for CA-44a 360x360x75mm
Trasparent polycarbonate cover for CA-44 360x360x40mm
Trasparent polycarbonate cover for CA-63a 540x270x75mm
Trasparent polycarbonate cover for CA-63 540x270x40mm
Trasparent polycarbonate cover for CA-64a 540x360x75mm
Trasparent polycarbonate cover for CA-64 540x360x40mm
Trasparent polycarbonate cover for CA-66a 540x540x75mm
Trasparent polycarbonate cover for CA-66 540x540x40mm
Trasparent polycarbonate cover for CA-84a 720x360x75mm
Trasparent polycarbonate cover for CA-86a 720x540x75mm
Connection flange ref.2 108x77x23mm
Connection flange ref.3 198x77x23mm
Connection flange ref.4 288x77x23mm
Plastic mounting lugs for CA boxes (4 unit kit) 50x20x10mm, except for models CA-1515, CA-215, Ca-220 and CA-315 with transparent and opaque lid.
Double-split cable flange 221x99x54mm
Internal hinges with screw 50x20x10mm